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Currier from Home Activities
The museum is once again, open to the public, but we are continuing to produce online content for your enjoyment. We are creating videos and pulling together various resources and information to provide you with many ways to view art, create art, and connect. Check back often as we will be adding new items frequently. Click the images to the right to see Art Activities from Home (including lesson plans and videos) and Storytime videos as well.
Check out Views on Art for short close looking exercises and the ARTalk Online archive for long-form artist talks with Currier curators.

Art Activity: Cylinder Landscape inspired by George Hitchcock
Join art educator Lauren Steele, to create a cylinder landscape inspired by the work of George Hitchcock. Using watercolors and multiple pieces of paper, you will create a multi-layered cylinder landscape with a fun movable component.
George Hitchcock, Untitled (bulb fields), oil on canvas, 17 1/4 x 21 3/4 in., Gift of the Lewis C. Kotekas 2007 Trust, Manchester, New Hampshire.
Art Activity: Cylinder Landscape inspired by George Hitchcock
Join art educator Lauren Steele, to create a cylinder landscape inspired by the work of George Hitchcock. Using watercolors and multiple pieces of paper, you will create a multi-layered cylinder landscape with a fun movable component.
George Hitchcock, Untitled (bulb fields), oil on canvas, 17 1/4 x 21 3/4 in., Gift of the Lewis C. Kotekas 2007 Trust, Manchester, New Hampshire.
Art Activity – Rauschenberg Inspired Rubbing Activity
Using gel medium, acrylic paint and magazine images you can create beautiful transfers that reference lithographs in the Currier’s collection, like this piece by Robert Rauschenberg.
Robert Rauschenberg, Gamble, 1968.
Art Activity – 3D Flowers
Join Studio Outreach Manager Corie Lyford in crafting colorful three dimensional flowers.
Art Activity – Inspired by Albers
Join art educator Lauren Steele to explore the work of Anni Albers. Follow along to find out how to use sponges and acrylic paint to create your own patterned masterpiece.
Art Activity – Make your own Book
Current exhibition, Tomie dePaola at the Currier, celebrates the some 270 children’s books that Tomie wrote and illustrated over his 50-year career. Make your own book at home that you fill with words, drawings or collage materials.
If you visit the museum bring your book with you, Currier staff love to see art that guests have made!
Art Activity – Create your own quilt story
Join Art Education department assistant Lauren Steele in creating a collaged quilt, inspired by the work of Faith Ringgold.
Watch the video above and happy creating!
Art Activity – Newsprint Fruit Collage
Create a colorful collage using paper and painted newsprint.
Join Studio Outreach Manager Corie Lyford in creating a colorful collage using paper and painted newsprint.
Watch the video above and happy creating!
Storytime – The Etcher’s Studio
Discover the process of creating a painting!
Paintings can be made in so any different ways, today we learn about etching! Join us for Storytime, with “The Etcher’s Studio” where we will discover the steps of creating a layered painting. Then follow along here to make your own print at home.
Watch the video above and happy creating!
Egg Carton Sculpture
Create a colorful egg cartoon sculpture inspired by the colors in Pond’s Edge by Michael Mazur. Have you seen it before? After you make your sculpture, take a photo and share it with us!
Watch the video above and happy creating!
Root and Bloom Art
Create an image of flowers, vegetables, fruits, or another plant that shows not only what grows up out of the ground, but the important roots that live beneath the surface of the earth.
Watch the video above and happy creating!
Triangle Art Activity
Create a colorful painting with painter’s tape using bold shapes, lines, and color as your inspiration. Watch the video above and see the full instructions below.
Katie Meets the Impressionists
Katie is brought into the paintings of some of the most famous Impressionist painters.
Storytime: I Am Enough
One of the most important lessons to learn is to love ourselves exactly as we are. Join us for Storytime with, “I Am Enough” and listen to all the ways we can be kind to ourselves and others. Stick around at the end for a self-affirmation art activity that you can do at home.
Painting with Texture
Join Studio Outreach Manager Corie Lyford in painting with texture using items like foil and forks.
Growing up in Japan, Yayoi Kusama dreamed of traveling to new places and becoming an artist. She imagined the world in dots and painted them everywhere she went. Join us for Storytime with Yayoi Kusama, From Here to Infinity where we discover how polka dots allowed herself to express her own creativity.
Map of Heart
Create a colorful “map” of the people, places, and things that you love.
Pixelated Collage
Let pixels, a single point in a digital picture, inspire you to create a unique collage using paper squares.
Click the link below for full art instructions.
I am Brave Portrait Activity
Based on the book, I am Brave: A Little Book About Martin
Luther King, Jr. and a piece from the collection, we will be
using pastels to create our own self-portrait. View full instructions below.
Storytime: Remy and Lulu
Remy has been having some trouble with his paintings but then Lulu comes along! Join us for Storytime with “Remy and Lulu,” a story about friendship and creativity. Stick around until the end, where we show you how to create a portrait using your own artistic style.
Make a Mini Art Museum
Use materials around the house to make mini art and build a museum.
watch full videoStorytime: Snowy Day
Create a ‘snow’ painting.
Watch the full videoStorytime: Henri’s Scissors
Discover Matisse’s unique shape designs and then make your own collage with bright colors and unique shapes!
Paper Fish Collage
Create a colorful collage ocean scene with folded paper fish.
Storytime: Roberto, The Insect Architect
Listen to Roberto’s journey of becoming a famous bug architect!
WATCH THE FULL VIDEOArchitecture Drawing Activity
Exploring architecture through drawing!
Not a Box
Use your imagination to transform a cardboard box with materials found around the house.
Outer Space Art
Create an outer space scene using cut paper and oil pastels
Birch Tree Collage
Create a colorful collage birch tree landscape using magazines.
Poppy painting
Learn how to create your own painted poppy.
Storytime: Frida
Discover the world of Frida Kahlo!
Picasso-inspired Painting
Create a fun Picasso-inspired portrait using a ruler, marker, pencil and coloring materials.
watch the full videoWhere is the Frog?
Discover the beautiful world of Claude Monet’s paintings.
The Dot
What can you make out of a dot?
The Art Lesson
Follow along with Tomie’s journey of becoming an artist!
Fun with Frames
Learn about museum frames then design your own.
Tar Beach
Listen along as Cassie follows her dream of being free to go wherever she wants and flies from her family’s rooftop all around the city.
Pigasso Met Mootise
Discover how two artists, Pigasso and Mootise, build a friendship and learn from each other!
Listen along and discover how mindfulness can transform our lives.
Dragon fly painting
Break out your watercolors and make a dragonfly painting inspired by Tomie dePaola’s “Quiet”.
Show Way
Learn about the power of show way quilts and their path to freedom.
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales
Discover how to re-invent your favorite fairytale.
Swirl by Swirl
Spirals are all around us. Listen in for Storytime with “Swirl by Swirl” and discover their natural beauty!
Wax Resist
Grab some watercolors and crayons and get ready to create a wax resist painting using natural objects you can find outside.
Discover the many shades of green and then go exploring!
Greyhound, Greydog
Follow along with the crazy antics of two unlikely friends!
Hooray, What A Day!
Join Frankie on an exploration through their colorful community!
I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More
Discover how self-expression doesn’t require you to color inside the lines!
Drip Painting
Fun drip painting project!
Living with Pottery
Join us for Storytime with “Living with Pottery” and discover the secret lives of pots.
A Walk with Marisol
Explore how art and language create beautiful and powerful stories.
Georgia’s Bones
Discover the unique shapes that inspired Georgia O’Keefe.
Watch the full videoColor Monster
Explore your emotions further with an art activity prompt that follows the story.
Heart Painting
Grab your watercolors or your favorite media and create your very own pop art sensation!
Watch the full videoWatercolor Skyline
Create a unique skyline painting using watercolors and line drawings.
Tracing Household Objects
Create bold and colorful artwork by tracing objects with interesting shapes.
Text Collage
Express yourself using words from magazines or newspapers.
Stick project
A fun way to create a beautiful bouquet using sticks.
Splatter painting
A fun activity based on the Storytime book Beautiful Oops.
Raised Salt Painting
Create with food, glue and paint.
Recycled Art Containers
Turn boxes and jars from your recycling bin into fun, colorful art storage.
Reflective Drawing
Enjoy a fun reflective glass drawing exercise!
Color Field Painting
Make your own color field painting.
Bubble Painting
Create a colorful abstract painting using water, dish soap and paper.
Sol Lewitt activity
A fun art activity that you can do from home.
Photo Challenge
Get outside for a nature walk and take some photos of what you see.
Poetry Prompt
Through architecture and poetry, we learn more about their creators. What would your home say about you?
Q-tip painting
Paint with Q-tips!
Create 3-dimensional art using curled and folded strips of paper.
Painting with tubes
Create a colorful abstract artwork using paint and tubes.
Printing with household objects
How to make art using simple household objects.
Observational drawing
Fun observational drawing activity.
Grab some paint and join us as we create monoprints based on the work of Pablo Picasso.
Monet Inspired Painting
An art project inspired by Monet.
Make a paint brush
Grab natural materials and make a paint brush.
Land Art
Create your own land art.
Storytime: Art
The young artist, Art, uses squiggles, dots, lines, and so much more to create amazing works of art.
Landscape Drawing
Create your ideal landscape.
Lego painting
Grab some toys and make your own print.
Learn how to make luminaries out of milk cartons.
Cactus activity
Make a cactus silhouette collage out of colorful paper and glue.
Card collage activity
Make greeting cards using collage materials.
Painters tape activity
Experiment with painters tape and see what type of stencil drawing you can create!
Found Object Assemblage
Gather up some materials from around the house or outside to create a found object assemblage!
3D Fish painting
A fun art project to create 3d fish.
Furniture Design
Design your own unique furniture piece.
Storytime: Madlenka
Join us for Storytime with “Madlenka” and meet all of the wonderful characters that live in her neighborhood.
Fingerprint Journal
Use your own fingerprint as inspiration for a colorful journaling page.
Cardboard Loom
Create a mini tapestry using a homemade cardboard loom,
Tube Sculptures
Transform cardboard tubes into fun colorful sculptures, such as an animal or fairy house.
Cardboard Treat
Create treat inspired artwork using cut cardboard instead of canvas or paper.
Storytime: Ella’s Trip to the Museum
Ella makes some new friends on her field trip.
Storytime: A Place to Read
Join us for Storytime as we go on an adventure to find the perfect place to dive into a book.
Storytime: The Day the Crayons Quit
What happens when you don’t have any colors to use!
current events
Explore past Currier From Home programming including ARTalks, Art Activities. and Views on Art.
Looking for Art Classes? Please find a full selection here.
Visiting the museum? You can access a mobile audio guide for your visit here.