artist in residence

Owen Lowery

Artist-in-Residence Owen Lowery

Owen Lowery is a Pittsburgh-based interactive artist with a mission to create situations that foster intrinsic curiosity in children and adults alike. His practice involves creating interactives that lure people into acts of exploratory play. He bridges the physical and the digital using second-hand materials.

Owen prioritizes Universal Design in his work, hoping that all people – regardless of age, height, ability, or disability – may engage in a meaningful way. He tries to put adults and children on equal footing, making interpretations by both valid while encouraging them to explore with and learn from each other.

To Owen, his art exists within the situations he creates rather than the visuals, spaces, or structures themselves. The art lives inside the reflective moments where curiosity takes over, when one pauses to wonder, “is there more to this thing?” before engaging with an entirely new approach. It’s a small piece of that curiosity that Owen hopes they take away with them into their daily lives.

Owen recently finished an MFA in Communication Media Arts at Ohio University. Before his mid-career shift towards interactive environments he worked as an animator and motion graphics designer in Chicago, creating work for clients such as The Second City and Conan O’Brien. He has taught motion graphics at Columbia College Chicago has created online courses for Learning, and has volunteered with organizations such as 826chi and GirlsRock! Asheville.

Meet Owen Lowery and Interact with his Art:

Art After Work
Every Thursday from 5 pm to 8 pm
“Prototyping” in the Main Lobby and “Interactive Projection” in the Winter Garden Café 
Learn about prototyping and explore creative curiosity with Owen and his multi-sensory and accessible approach to interactive art.

February Creative Studio
Saturday, February 11 from 10 am to 1 pm 
“Paint by Cell” in the studio
Create abstract art through movement and play by exploring sensors in old broken cell phones. Take home a print of your contributions to the ever-changing interactive community artwork.

February Vacation Camp
Monday, February 27 through Friday, March 3
“Dreamscapes and Interactive Self-Portraits” in the studios
Explore touch-activated immersive projection art and create interactive self-portraits during winter camp week with Owen. For grades K-9, registration by age group.

Expressions Through Art*
Thursday, March 9 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm
“Cardiac Menagerie – Community Art from Fragmented Hearts” in the studios
Paint, paper, cover, collage, decorate, and reform plaster hearts into one-of-a-kind sculptures. Then, break them into pieces. You’ll take your favorite fragment and Owen will use what remains to create entirely new artwork, formed through the creative efforts and sculptural sacrifices of our community at large.
*This program is for adult cancer patients, survivors, and their loved ones, as a partnership with Elliot Cancer Center.

Art for Vets Family Day*
Saturday, March 18 from 11 am to 2 pm
“Cardiac Menagerie – Community Art from Fragmented Hearts” in the studios
Paint, paper, cover, collage, decorate, and reform plaster hearts into one-of-a-kind sculptures. Then, break them into pieces. You’ll take your favorite fragment and Owen will use what remains to create entirely new artwork, formed through the creative efforts and sculptural sacrifices of our community at large.
*This program is for veterans, active-duty military, and their family members.

Culminating Artist-in-Residence Talk
Thursday, March 23 during Art After Work from 5 pm to 8 pm
Join Owen and listen as he recaps his time at the Currier and learn about the work he produced with our community during his residency.

artist in residence

Our Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program invites artists to live and work at the museum. While in residence, artists consider the collection and community, and refresh our perspectives on the role of the museum. The program is central to the Currier Museum’s mission of connecting our audiences with art and creative thinking, whether of the past or the future. We hope to learn from our visiting artists – and be surprised by their perspectives.

Artists working in all media participate in the AIR program, which has three main components: 1) an open call to support emerging artists making socially engaged art; 2) an invitational through which artists are selected to develop special projects, commissions, or exhibitions; and 3) artist-led, community-centered public art projects in the city of Nashua, NH.


Open Call for Artist in Residence Applications

Our annual open call is currently live from October 1 – December 1, 2022. Artists who share the museum’s goal of positively impacting communities through the transformative power of art are encouraged to apply to this residency.

Learn More

past exhibitions

Archived material on past exhibitions can be explored further here, and recent past exhibition catalogues are available through the museum shop.